By Patsy Currelly Hand
In April of 1963, the Cobourg Recreation Commission’s John Thorsen published an article in the Cobourg Sentinel-Star to survey an interest in girls playing softball. The article stated, “Some years ago, girls’ softball was a major activity in Cobourg, and recently there has been some interest in its revival”. Those interested were to contact the Recreation Office. The Commission also asked for interested coaches and officiants to respond.
A core group of softball builders stepped forward representing their respective neighbourhoods/parks: Paul Currelly, Max Smith (Coverdale Aces), Jack Bevan, Garry Jones (Central), Donald Dunn, John Copeland (Sinclair) and Ross Burgess (Donegan). The league was formed for girls 13 years and under (Peewee). They played a 12 game schedule. Pitchers pitched from 33 feet and teams played 7 innings with a 3 inning minimum. Central were the overall winners the first year, beating Coverdale in the final game, 38-37!
In 1964, the league expanded to include a Bantam division. The Bantam division not only had Cobourg teams from Central, Donegan, Sinclair and the Coverdale Angels, but also included Colborne. In the Novice division were Central, Coverdale Aces, Sinclair, Grafton and Baltimore. Jack Bevan’s Central Peewee team won that year and it is unclear who won the Bantam division – Sinclair, Colborne or Donegan.
In 1965, the Bantam division expanded further and included Welcome, East Port Hope, and West Port Hope, as well as the Cobourg teams - Sinclair Miskelly Realtors (who won the league), Coverdale Angels and Central. In the Peewee division were the Coverdale Aces (who won the league, 15-0), Sinclair, Central and Baltimore.
1966 included 4 Cobourg teams (Coverdale Aces, Central, Sinclair and Donegan) in the Peewee division and 4 Bantam teams (Central, Coverdale Angels, Port Hope Dairy Queens and Sinclair Miskelly Realtors). Coverdale topped both divisions that year. The Bantam Angels, who were coached by George Green and Dave Stewart, beat Sinclair Miskelly Realtors in the Bantam finals. Meanwhile, the Peewee Aces, coached by Paul Currelly & Max Smith, defeated the Sinclair Peewees, completing another undefeated season of 20(W)-0(L) in league play.
The Coverdale Angels and Aces repeated as league champions in 1967, beating teams in the Peewee division from Central, Sinclair, Donegan and Welcome and in Bantam division from Colborne, Central, Welcome, Sinclair and Donegan. The Coverdale Peewee Aces (Currelly & Ev Walters) complete their third undefeated season in league play with an impressive record of 52 straight wins over 3 years!
As the 1968 softball season approached, Paul Currelly made the decision to combine his existing Coverdale Aces team with the Coverdale Angels team. He took the colours of the Aces (green and gold) and the name of the Angels. An all-star Juvenile team was created, which included the top players from the existing town league. The Angels were ready to take flight into the history books!
Reviewed August 2020