Ross Quigley Awards


Ross Quigley Youth in Sport Award


The award was created to honour the memory of the Founder of the Cobourg and District Sports Hall of Fame (CDSHF). Ross Quigley was a well-rounded athlete competing in several sports. He was a well-rounded student but not a scholar. He loved all aspects of his community and demonstrated so with his involvement and volunteerism.


Annually, two students, not of the same gender, meeting the criteria, will be chosen to receive $1000 each. The Award is intended to support the student athlete by recognizing and rewarding their athletic, academic and community achievement and involvement through financial assistance to further their education.


Students residing in Cobourg, the Townships of Hamilton, Alnwick/Haldimand and Cramahe or Alderville First Nation (the CDSHF catchment area) and attending a school in Northumberland County are eligible to apply. Criteria may be changed from time to time. The most recent application forms will be available from school guidance offices and online at 




  • Is a graduating OSSD student 
  • Is residing in the CDSHF catchment area and attending a school in Northumberland County
  • is active in school, community or higher sports activities as athlete, coach, official or supporter
  • will be continuing their academics through, university, college, apprenticeship or other post-secondary institution and will show proof of acceptance for the fall of their graduating year
  • must use the official Cobourg and District Sports Hall of Fame application provided on the website and all information must be typed.
  • is an active participant/volunteer in the school’s community and the greater area community
  • will provide a reference statement. (If the reference is a teacher, the teacher's reference statement must be on school letterhead and personally signed by the teacher)
  • must be available to attend and participate in an interview, if it is deemed necessary
  • will provide a personal statement of a significant personal achievement and importance to you
  • is available to attend the Award ceremony (CDSHF Inductee Dinner) and agrees to attendee publicity


Application Process:

Completed applications with attachments must be submitted digitally no later than  May 1, 2025 at 12 noon to .

Cheque to be presented to winner upon proof of registration



Cobourg and District Sports Hall of Fame

P.O Box 45

Cobourg, ON   K9A 1M8


Please download, complete and submit the application:

Download 'Youth in Sport' application in DOCX: Ross Quigley Youth in Sport Award Application_2025R.docx

Download 'Youth in Sport' application in ODT:  Ross Quigley Youth in Sport Award Application_2025R.odt





Part A: Personal Data


Applicant’s Full Name:   _________________________________________________________


Current Address: ________________________________________________________________


Town: _________________________ Postal Code:  __________ Phone #:  _________________


E-mail:  ______________________________    Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):  _____________


Parent or Guardian Name:  ________________________________  Phone #: _______________


Secondary School Presently Attending:    ____________________________________________


Other Secondary Schools Attended (years) ___________________________________________


Grade Average:  _______     (Official High School transcript included)   


High School Volunteer Hours earned: ___________


Proof of post-secondary acceptance for 2024-2025 (university, college, apprenticeship etc) will be 


attached including program of study: ______________



On separate sheets of paper, please provide the following statements:



Part B: Personal Statement: Please tell the committee what you consider to have been your most significant personal achievement and why it is important to you. (500 – 800 words)



Part C: Reference Statement: Please have a non-family member reference complete this section. If the reference is a teacher, the teacher's reference statement must be on school letterhead and personally signed by the teacher


Reference: Please provide the selection committee with letter of reference/support for the applicant.  Be sure to include how long you have known the student and the sports that they have played.  Feel free to include why you think the applicant is a worthy CDSHF Ross Quigley Youth in Sport Award candidate.




Part D - Athletic & Community Involvement

Please read this section carefully before beginning. If you need to use an additional sheet, please organize it in this manner.

Secondary School Athletics Please Organize by Sport


Age Group


Role (Player/Captain)




Community Athletics (Since Beginning Secondary School)     Please Organize By Sport





Role (Player/Captain)




Athletic Leadership (Coaching, Officiating, Athletic Associations)


Age Group


Role (Player/Captain)




Community Volunteer Work / Involvement in local organizations



Individual Athletic Awards – Secondary School & Community



Applicant’s Check List

I have enclosed 1. Application Form ____  2 Personal Statement ____   3. Reference Statement ______

4. Athletic/CommunityInvolvement ____  5. Acceptancto a university or college for Sepif available ___


The information on this application and the attached documents is accurate and authentic.



Applicant’s Signature                                                                             Date: ________________ 

If you have any items that you would like to Add or Share with the CDSHF, please use the WEBSITE FEEDBACK Form located HERE to share your stories and upload items of interest.