1963 Coverdale Aces Women's Fastball team photos

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1963 Coverdale Aces Women's Fastball photos -Team, Battery, Infield, Outfield and newspaper articles. This was the first Coverdale Aces team coached by Paul Currelly and Max Smith.  They played in a Cobourg Peewee recreation league against Central (coached by Jack Bevan and Garry Jones), Sinclair (coached by Donald Dunn and John Copeland) and Donegan (coached by Ross Burgess).  The league was formed for girls 13 years and under (Pewee) and they played a 12-game schedule. Central were the overall winners the first year beating Coverdale in the final game, 38-37! This team also travelled to Amherstview to play a former Cobourg resident’s team (Fred McMillan). The Aces won 46-21. This was an annual double-header, picnic, fun day for the girls.

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