Kenneth Wayne James Petrie was born in Stratford, Ontario, July 11, 1946. He moved to Cobourg in 1957, with his family. Ken unselfishly devoted much of his adult life to minor sports in Cobourg. These included the Cobourg Church Hockey League, the Legion Minor Softball Association and the Cobourg Baseball Association. At the age of 19, he was recruited by Layton Dodge to volunteer with the Cobourg Church Hockey League (CCHL) as an assistant coach. This began a lifelong tenure with the organization until they moved to the Cobourg Community Centre, in 2011.
Ken was a tireless worker acting as a coach, manager, trainer, fundraiser, bingo volunteer, executive member, committee member or just helping out wherever he could. Ken Petrie was the President of the Cobourg Church Hockey League a record 11 times and was named a Life Member. It is on record that Layton Dodge called Ken, “The driving force behind the CCHL”. Ken Petrie lived the CCHL motto, “Dedicated to our Youth”. Since the mid 1960’s, Ken’s teams had an amazing list of championships, claiming 10 provincial titles in minor sports. In 1967, Ken, along with Tom Savage, coached the Legion squirt Red Wings team to a provincial championship. It was Cobourg Legion Minor Softball’s first ever Provincial title.
Over Ken Petrie’s 50 plus years of volunteerism in Cobourg’s minor sports community, he was recognized with many certificates, citations, plaques and awards for service to his community. One of Ken’s associates noted that you didn’t mind helping him as he never asked anyone to do anything he wouldn’t do himself. Along with Ken's other achievements he found time to umpire, referee, timekeep and organize numerous tournaments. He was also involved in Provincial Women's Softball and coached several local Girls softball teams over the years. Ken was a quiet man who did his talking through his actions and no one did it better. Ken Petrie was a very special
volunteer and a true sportsman.