Ross Quigley Youth in Sport Award 2022 Winners

Katrina Badali attends CCI where she has achieved a 95% average. She will be attending Queen’s University in September, pursuing dual Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education degrees. Katrina has participated on multiple sport teams in school and the community such as cross country, rep volleyball, ultimate, tennis, badminton, track and field and competitive dance.

She has won MVP awards in cross country and dance and has also received recognition for Academic excellence and character in dance and physical and health education. Katrina has demonstrated her superior leadership skills and commitment to community by volunteering over 200 hours, both in the school and in her community, with organizations and events such as The Rose Quest Project, Interact Club, Relay for Life, and the 30 Hour Famine. Katrina, we are very proud to present to you tonight, the Ross Quigley Youth in Sport Award. Congratulations!

Katrina Badali presented with Award certificate by Kaitlyn DeJong


A grade 12 student at CCI, Brendan Woodward has demonstrated excellence in a variety of varsity sports, including soccer, volleyball, basketball, tennis, track and field, ultimate and cross country. He has qualified as an individual for the OFSAA (all Ontario) Cross Country Championships and for the OFSAA East Regionals in Track. Brendan won many awards, including Junior Athlete of the Year and is a student council member.

 In the community, he plays rep soccer and volleyball and referees. He recently won a Cobourg Civic Award in Athletics. He volunteers at Northumberland Hills Hospital in the HELP Elder Program, with KPR’s Journey of Hope, and with the Fare Share Food Bank. Brendan is a model teammate, an outstanding leader, and a committed volunteer while maintaining a 96% average in school. He will be attending the University of Calgary in September, where he will be pursuing a Bachelor of Health Sciences degree in his quest to become a doctor. Congratulations, Brendan!

Brendan Woodward presented with Award certificate by Patrick Quigley



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